Project:Monasticon Hibernicum database/Bibliography/Copy

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What follows is a copy of the bibliography compiled by Ailbhe MacShamhráin, Nora White and Marie Fingleton, without any attempt to fully the render the HTML


Compiled by Ailbhe MacShamhráin, Nora White & Marie Fingleton


  • <a href="#primary">Primary Sources</a>
    • <a href="#annals">(1) Annals</a>
    • <a href="#hagiography">(2) Hagiography</a>
      • <a href="#patrician">(a) Patrician, Brigidine and Columban Lives</a>
      • <a href="#otherlives">(b) Other ‘Single’ Lives</a>
      • <a href="#collections">(c) Collections of Irish Saints’ Lives</a>
      • <a href="#martyrologies">(d) Martyrologies</a>
      • <a href="#hymnology">(e) Hymnology</a>
    • <a href="#poetry">(2B) Poetry and stories</a>
    • <a href="#genealogies">(3) Genealogies and lists</a>
      • <a href="#manuscripts">(a) Manuscripts and facsimiles</a>
      • <a href="#editions">(b) Published editions</a>
    • <a href="#councils">(4) Councils</a>
    • <a href="#lawtracts">(5) Law tracts & ecclesiastical rules</a>
    • <a href="#charters">(6) Charters, Ecclesiastical Registers and Visitations</a>
    • <a href="#crownrecords">(7) English Crown Records</a>
    • <a href="#maps">(8) Maps, Surveys, Estate papers</a>
    • <a href="#histories">(9) Histories (Medieval & Early Modern)</a>
    • <a href="#reference">(10) Reference Books</a>
  • <a href="#secondary">Secondary Sources</a>

<a name="primary">Primary Sources</a>

<a name="annals">(1) Annals</a>

Annals of Ulster, ed. WM Hennessy & B MacCarthy. 4 vols. Dublin, 1887–1901.

Annals of Ulster to AD 1131. ed. Seán MacAirt & Gearóid MacNiocaill. Dublin, 1984.

Annals of Inisfallen, ed. Seán MacAirt. Dublin, 1944

Annals of Tigernach, ed. W. Stokes. Revue Celtique, 16–18 (1895–7).

Annals of the Four Masters, ed. John O’Donovan. 7 vols. Dublin, 1851.

Annals of Clonmacnois by Conall Mageoghegan, ed. D. Murphy. Dublin, 1896.

Chronicon Scotorum, ed. WM Hennessy. London, 1866.

Fragmentary Annals of Ireland, ed. Joan N. Radner. Dublin, 1978.

Miscellaneous Irish Annals, ed. S. Ó hInnse. Dublin, 1947.

Annals of Connacht, ed. AM Freeman. Dublin, 1944.

Annals of Loch Cé, 2 vols., ed. WM Hennessy. London, 1877.

Annals of Roscrea, ed. D. Gleeson & Seán MacAirt, PRIA, 59C (1958), 138–80.

Chronicle of Flattisbury or ‘Grace’s Annals’. ed. Richard Butler. Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society. Dublin, 1842.

(Electronic texts of all the above Irish annals are available on the Website of the <a href="">CELT Project</a>, NUI Cork)

<a name="hagiography">(2) Hagiography</a>

<a name="patrician">(a) Patrician, Brigidine and Columban Lives</a><a></a>


L. Bieler (ed.), The Patrician Texts in the Book of Armagh. Dublin, 1979.

Bethu Pátraic, ed. Kathleeen Mulchrone. Dublin & London, 1939.

The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick. 2 vols. ed. Whitley Stokes. Rolls Series. London, 1887.

Two lives of St. Patrick: Vita Secunda and Vita Quarta. trans. F.J. Byrne & P. Francis. JRSAI, 124 (1994), 5–117.

Three Middle-Irish homilies on the lives of saints Patrick, Brigit and Columba. ed. Whitley Stokes. Calcutta, 1877.

Cogitosus, Life of St Brigit, trans. S. Connolly & J-M Picard, JRSAI, 117 (1987), 5–27.

Vita Prima Sanctae Brigitae, trans. S. Connolly, JRSAI, 119 (1989), 5–49.

Bethu Brigte. ed. Donncha Ó hAodha. Dublin, 1978.

Adomnán’s Life of St. Columba. ed. A.O. Anderson & M.O. Anderson. Edinburgh & London, 1961.

Adomnán of Iona: Life of St. Columba. trans. Richard Sharpe. Harmondsworth, 1995.

Manus O’Donnell’s Life of Colum Cille. ed. Brian Lacey. Dublin, 1998.

Betha Colaim Chille, ed. and trans. (pp 217–88), Máire Herbert, Iona, Kells and Derry. Oxford, 1988.


<a></a><a name="otherlives">(b) Other ‘Single’ Lives</a>

Betha Adamnáin, ed. Máire Herbert & Pádraig Ó Riain. London, 1988.

Betha Barra: St Finbarr of Cork: the complete Life. ed. Pádraig Ó Riain. London, 1994.

The Life of Colmán of Lynn: Betha Colmáin Lainne. trans Kuno Meyer, ed. Leo Daly. Dublin, 1999.

Betha Cholmáin maic Luacháin, ed. Kuno Meyer. London, 1911.

Betha Lasrach: The Life of S. Lasair, ed. L. Gwynn. Ériu, 5 (1911), 73–103.

<a href="">Betha Meic Creiche [Life of Mac Creiche]</a>, 7–52, in Charles Plummer ed. Miscellanea Hagiographica Hibernica. Brussels, 1925

Betha Molaga. ed. J.G. O'Keeffe, in Irish Texts, 3 (1931), 11–22.

Life of St. Mo-Nenna by Conchobranus, ed. Ulster Society for Medieval Latin Studies. Seanchas Ardmhacha, 9 (1979–80).

<a name="collections">(c) Collections of Irish Saints’ Lives</a>

W.W. Heist (ed.), Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae ex codice olim Salmanticensi nunc Bruxellensi. Subsidia Hagiographica xxviii., Brussels, 1965.

Charles Plummer (ed.), Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae. 2 vols. Oxford, 1910.

Charles Plummer (ed.), Bethada Náem nÉrenn. 2 vols. Oxford, 1922.

Charles Plummer (ed.), Miscellanea Hagiographica Hibernica. Subsidia Hagiographica, XV. Brussels, 1910.

Whitley Stokes (ed.), Lives of the saints from the Book of Lismore. Anecdota Oxoniensa, V. Oxford, 1890.

Acta Sanctorum … a Sociis Bolladianis. Antwerp & Brussels, 1643 -. Annalecta Bollandiana, I (1882 -).

John Colgan, Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae. Louvain, 1645.

John Colgan, Triadis Thaumaturga. Louvain, 1647.

<a name="martyrologies">(d) Martyrologies</a>

Martyrology of Tallaght, ed. RI Best & HJ Jackson. London, 1931.

Martyrology of Óengus: Félire Óengusso Céli Dé. ed. Whitley Stokes, London, 1905.

Martyrology of Ua Gormáin, ed. Whitley Stokes, London, 1895.

Martyrology of Donegal, ed. J. O’Donovan, JH Todd & W. Reeves. Dublin, 1864.

Martyrology and Book of Obits of Christ Church Dublin, ed. JC Crostwaithe. Dublin, 1846.

<a name="hymnology">(e) Hymnology</a>

J.H. Bernard & R. Atkinson (eds.), The Irish Liber Hymnorum. 2 vols. London, 1898.

Liam Breatnach ed. ‘An edition of Amra Senáin’, 7–32, in D. Ó Corráin, L. Breatnach & K. McCone (eds.), Saints, sages and storytellers: Celtic Studies in honour of Professor James Carney. Maynooth: An Sagart, 1989.

<a name="poetry">(2B) Poetry and stories</a>

Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh. ed. and trans. Standish Hayes O’Grady. 2 vols. London: Irish texts Society, 1929.

Gerard Murphy (ed.), ‘A Poem in Praise of Aodh Úa Foirréidh, Bishop of Armagh (1032–1056)’, 140–164, in S. O’Brien (ed.), Measgra i gCuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh. Dublin: Three Candles, 1944.

Leabhar Branach: The Book of the O’Byrnes. ed. Seán Mac Airt. Dublin: DIAS, 1944.

‘The Tale of Conall Corc from Laud 610’. ed. Kuno Meyer. Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts, 3 (1910).

<a name="genealogies">(3) Genealogies and lists</a>

<a name="manuscripts">(a) Manuscripts and facsimiles</a>

Bodelian MS Laud 610 facsimile,

Book of Ballymote (late 14th- early 15thC). RIA Ms 23 P 12.

Book of Fermoy (15thC). RIA Ms 23 E 29.

Book of Lecan. Collotype facsimile. ed. Kathleen Mulchrone. Dublin, 1937.

Book of Lismore (15thC). Collotype facsimile. ed. R.A.S. Macalister. Dublin, 1950.

Book of Uí Maine (late 14thC). Collotype facsimile. ed. R.A.S. Macalister. Dublin, 1941.

Leabhar Breac. Lithographic facsimile by Joseph O’Longan. ed. J.T. Gilbert. Dublin, 1876.

Lebor na hUidre: Book of the Dun Cow (12thC) . Lithographic facsimile by Joseph O’Longan. Dublin, 1876.

Rawlinson B.502 (12thC). facsimile. ed. Kuno Meyer. Oxford, 1909.

Stowe Ms C.1.2 (Irish Ms XIX)

Yellow Book of Lecan (late 14thC). TCD MS 1318.

<a name="editions">(b) Published editions</a>

The Book of Leinster, vols. 1–5, ed. R.I. Best, O. Bergin & M.A. O’Brien. Dublin, 1954–67.

The Book of Leinster, vol. 6, ed. Anne O’Sullivan. Dublin, 1982.

Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae, ed. Michael A. O’Brien. Dublin, 1962.

Corpus Genealogiarum Sanctorum Hiberniae, ed. Pádraig Ó Riain. Dublin, 1985.

Genealogiae Regum et Sanctorum Hiberniae, ed. Paul Walsh. Maynooth, 1918.

Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh. Leabhar Genealach.The Great Book of Irish Genealogies, ed. Nollaig Ó Muraíle. 5 vols. Dublin: ÉamonDeBurca, 2004.

‘The Laud Genealogies and tribal histories: text from Laud 610, 75a’. ed. Kuno Meyer. Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 8 (1912), 291–308.

<a name="councils">(4) Councils</a>

A.W. Haddan & W. Stubbs, Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. Oxford, 1869–78.

D.N. Dumville, Councils and synods of the Gaelic Early and Central Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1997.

A Roll of the Proceedings of King's Council in Ireland for a Portion of the Sixteenth Year of the Reign Richard the Second A.D. 1392–93. ed. James Graves, 1st ed. London: Rolls Series (Longman Trubner etc). 1877.

<a name="lawtracts">(5) Law tracts & ecclesiastical rules</a>

Erich Poppe ed. ‘A new edition of the Cáin Éimíne Báin'. Celtica, 18 (1986), 35–52.

E. Gwynn & W. Purton ed. and trans. ‘The Customs of Tallaght’, in ‘The Monastery of Tallaght’, PRIA, 29C (1911), 115–79.

Máirín Ní Dhonnchadha ed. ‘The Lex Innocentium: Adamnán’s law for women, clerics and youths, 697 AD’, 58–69, in Mary O’Dowd and Sabine Wichert (eds.), Chattel, servant or citizen?; womens’ status in church, state and society. Historical Studies, 19. Belfast, 1995.

D.A. Binchy (ed.), Corpus Iuris Hibernici. 6 vols. Dublin, 1978.

<a name="charters">(6) Charters, Ecclesiastical Registers and Visitations</a>

Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Metropolitan Visitation of the diocese of Derry, AD 1397, 108–112, in Regula Choluimb Chille. ed. William Reeves. Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1850.

Calendar of Archbishop Alen’s Record. ed. Charles McNeill. Dublin, 1950.

Calendar of Christ Church Deeds. eds. M.J. McEnery & Raymond Refaussé. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000.

Calendar of the Gormanston Register c1175–1397. eds. James Mills; M. J. McEnery. Dublin: RSAI, 1916.

Calendar of Ormond Deeds, 1172–1350.6 vols. ed. Edmund Curtis. Dublin: Oifig an tSoláthair for Coimisiún Láimhscríbhinní na hÉireann, 1932.

Calendar of Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. ed J.A. Twemlow. London: HMSO, 1912.

Calendar of the Register of Primate George Dowdall, 1544, commonly called the "Liber Niger". ed. Laurence P Murray, CLAHJ VI no. 2 (1926), 90–100; VI no. 3 (1927), 147–158; VI no. 4 (1928), 213–228; VII no. 1 (1929), 78–95; VII no. 2 (1930), 258–275.

Crede Mihi. ed. John T. Gilbert. Dublin, 1886.

Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey. ed. John T. Gilbert. London, 1884.

‘Descriptio Ecclesiae Kildariensis, et omnium fere ecclesiarum, capellarum, ac locorum sanctorum in tota Diocoesi Kildariensi existentium’. An t-Easpag MacEochagáin 1638. Franciscan MSS, A.31; see E. de hÓir, ‘Blúire Cillsheanchais faoi Fhairche Chill Dara’, Dinnsheanchas, 2 no. 2 (1966), 29–39.

Irish Cartuleries of Llanthony Prima et Secunda, ed. E. St.John Brooks, Dublin, 1953.

Notitiae as Leabhar Cheannanais. ed. Gearóid MacNiocaill. Dublin, 1961.

Pontificia Hibernica: Medieval Papal Chancery Documents concerning Ireland 640–1241. 2 vols, ed. MP Sheehy. Dublin, 1962.

The Register of Milo Sweteman Archbishop of Armagh,1366. eds. Brendan Smith & C.F.McGleenon. Dublin: Coimisiún Láimhscríbhinní na hÉireann, 1996.

The Register Of Nicholas Fleming, Archbishop Of Armagh 1404–1416. ed. Brendan Smith. Dublin: Coimisiún Láimhscríbhinní na hÉireann, 2003.

The Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin, ed. John T. Gilbert. Dublin, 1889.

The Register Of The Priory Of The Blessed Virgin Mary At Tristernagh. ed M. V. Clarke. Dublin: Coimisiún Láimhscríbhinní Na hÉireann, 1941.

The Register of Muckamore – see James Ware, De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus. London: 1654.

The Registry of Clonmacnois, ed. John O’Donovan. Jnl. Kilkenny & SE Ireland Archaeological Society, 1 (1856–7), 444–60.

Registrum De Kilmainham: Register Of Chapter Acts Of The Hospital Of Saint John Of Jerusalem In Ireland 1326–1339. ed. Charles McNeill. Dublin: Coimisiún Láimhscríbhinní Na hÉireann, 1932.

Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum Iuxta Dublin. ed. Richard Butler. Dublin, 1845.

‘The Reportorium Viride of John Alen, archbishop of Dublin’, 1533.ed. Newport B. White. Analecta Hibernica, 10 (1941), 173–222.

The Black Book of Limerick. ed. with introduction and notes by James MacCaffrey. Dublin : M.H. Gill, 1907.

The Red Book of Ormond from the Fourteenth Century Original.ed. Newport B. White. Dublin: Oifig an tSoláthair, 1932.

The Red Book of Ossory, by Richard de Ledrede, bishop of Ossory (1317–1360) at St Canice’s Cathedral. See The Lyrics of the Red book of Ossory, ed. Richard Leighton Greene. Oxford: Blackwell for the Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1974.

Visitation of Archbishop Richard O’Hedian 1432.

<a name="crownrecords">(7) English Crown Records</a>

Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland 1171–1307. ed. H.S. Sweetman & G.F. Handcock. London: Public Records Office, 1875–1886

Calendar of Inquisitions formerly in the Office of the Chief Remembrancer of the Exchequer. ed. Margaret C. Griffiths, Dublin: Irish Manuscripsts Commission, 1991.

Calendar of Justiciary Rolls or Proceedings in the Court of the Justiciary of Ireland I To VII Years of Edward II. eds. Herbert Wood, Albert E. Langman, Margaret C. Griffith. Dublin: Stationery Office.

Calendar of Patent Rolls,1348–1452.Project of G.R. Boynton & University of Iowa Libraries, 2003: <a href=""></a>

Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland...1863ed. James Morrin, Dublin: Alexander Thom, Hodges, Smith & Co. 1917

Calendar of State Papers Ireland, 1571–1574ed. Mary O’Dowd. London: Public Records Office, 2000. Gilbert, J.T. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland.(London: 1870).

Patent Rolls of the reign of Henry III. 2 vols. London, 1901–03.

Pipe Roll of Cloyne (Rotulus Pipae Clonensis), eds. Paul McCotter and Kenneth Nicholls. Middleton, 1996.

Ussher, James. Royal Commission 1622 TCD MS 550

<a name="maps">(8) Maps, Surveys, Estate papers</a>

Books of Survey and Distribution 1641. 4 vols (Cos Roscommon, Mayo, Galway, Clare). Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1949–67.

Civil Survey AD 1654–56. ed. RC Simington. Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1931.

Down Survey Maps 1654.

Escheated Counties map 1609 (Cos Armagh, Cavan)

Grand Jury Presentations (Co Wicklow)

Hiberniae Delineatio: atlas of Ireland, 1685 by William Petty. Newcastle upon Tyne: Frank Graham, 1968.

Jobson’s Map 1591 (Co Waterford)

Map of Beare 16thC (O’Brien)

Map of Leix and Offaly 1563

Moll’s Map 1714 (Co Wicklow)

Montgomery Survey 1609 (Co Londonderry)

Nevill’s Map 1760 (Co Wicklow)

Proby Estate Leases (Co Wicklow)

Smyth Documents (Co Wicklow)

<a name="histories">(9) Histories (Medieval & Early Modern)</a>

Bede the Venerable. Historia EcclesiasticaGentis Anglorum(Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English people)eds. Bertram Colgrave and R.A.B. Mynors. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Collectanea Sacra, ed. Patrick Fleming (Louvain, 1667).

Giraldus Cambrensis. Topographica Hiberniae. ed John O’Meara, 1982, 60

Grose, Francis. The Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1791 but not published till 1796.

The Irish Version of the Historia Brittonum of Nennius. ed. and trans. James Henthorn Todd. Dublin, 1848 (for electronic text see <a href="">CELT Project</a>, NUI Cork).

Keating, Geoffrey. (Seathrún Céitinn). Foras Feasa ar Éirinn (A Compendium of Wisdom about Ireland), text and translation. vol. I, ed. David Comyn, vols. II & III ed. Patrick S. Dinneen. London: Irish Texts Society, 1902, 1908 (repr. Dublin 1987) (for electronic text see <a href="">CELT Project</a>, NUI Cork).

Lynch, John. De Praesulibus Hiberniae. ed. John F. O’Doherty. 2 Vols. Dublin: Oifig an tSolathair, 1944.

O’Flaherty, Roderic. (Ruaidhrí Ó Flaithbheartaigh). A chorographical description of West or hIar Connaught written AD 1684. Ed J. Hardiman. Dublin 1846.

O’Flaherty, Roderic. (Ruaidhrí Ó Flaithbheartaigh). Ogygia, seu, Rerum Hibernicarum chronologia ex pervetustis monumentos fideliter inter se collatis eruta, atque è sacris ac prophanis literas primarum orbis gentium tam genealogicis, quam Chronologicis susflaminata præsidiis …. London, 1685.

O'Sullivan Beare, Philip.Historiae Catholicae Iberniae Compendium. Lisbon, 1621. ed. Matthew Kelly. Dublin: John O'Daly, 1850. (text partially translated by Matthew Byrne, Ireland under Elizabeth. Dublin: Sealy, Bryers and Walker, 1903 (for electronic text see <a href="">CELT Project</a>, NUI Cork).

Ware, James. De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus. London: 1654.

<a name="reference">(10) Reference Books</a>

Archdall, Mervyn. Monasticon Hibernicum or A history of the Abbies Priories and Other Religious Houses in Ireland Dublin: Luke White Press, 1786

Dictionary of Irish Biography. eds James McGuire and James Quinn. Cambridge: CUP for Royal Irish Academy, 2009.

General alphabetical index to the townlands and towns, parishes and baronies of Ireland: based on the Census of Ireland for the year 1851. Prepared under the supervision of William Donnelly. Dublin: Alex Thom, 1861 (reprinted Baltimore, Md: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1997).

Gwynn, Aubrey & Hadcock, R.N. Medieval religious houses: Ireland. London, 1970.

Historical Dictionary of Gaelic Placenames/Foclóir Stairiúil Áitainmneacha na Gaeilge. ed Pádraig Ó Riain, Diarmaid Ó Murchadha and Kevin Murray. fascicle I: names in A-. London: Irish Texts Society, 2003 (reprinted with addenda and corrigenda 2007).

Historical Dictionary of Gaelic Placenames/Foclóir Stairiúil Áitainmneacha na Gaeilge. ed Pádraig Ó Riain, Diarmaid Ó Murchadha and Kevin Murray. fascicle II: names in B-. London: Irish Texts Society, 2005.

Hogan, Edmond. Onomasticon Goedelicum locorum et tribuum Hiberniae et Scotiae. Dublin, 1910; reprint Dublin 1994 (see now <a href="">LOCUS Project online text</a>).

Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. Carlingford, 1837.

Murphy, Denis. (ed.). Triumphalia chronologicia monasterii Sanctae Crucis in Hibernia: de Cisterciensium Hibernorum viris illustribus. Dublin, 1895.

Nolan, William. Sources for local studies. Dublin, 1977.

Ordnance Survey Letters Donegal: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Donegal … collected … 1836. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2000.

Ordnance Survey Letters Meath: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Meath … collected … 1836. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2001.

Ordnance Survey Letters Dublin: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Dublin … collected … 1837. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2001.

Ordnance Survey Letters Down: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Down … collected … 1834. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2001.

Ordnance Survey Letters Kildare: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Kildare …. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2002.

Ordnance Survey Letters Kilkenny: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of … Kilkenny …. ed Michael Herity. Dublin: Four Masters Press, 2003.

Ordnance Survey Letters: letters containing information relative to the antiquities of County Wicklow. eds Chris Corlett & John Medlycott. Dublin: Kestrel Books, 2000.

Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland

Theiner, A. (ed.). Vetera monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum historiam illustrantia quae ex Vaticani, Neapolis ac Florentiae …1216–1547. Rome, 1864.

<a name="secondary">Secondary sources</a>

Alcock et al 1999: O. Alcock, K. de hÓra and P. Gosling. Archaeological Inventory of County Galway. Vol. 2: North Galway. Dublin: Oifig an tSolathair, 1999.

Aldridge 1969: R.B. Aldridge. ‘Notes on children’s burial grounds in Mayo’, JRSAI, 99 (1969), 83–7.

Andrews 1986: J.H. Andrews. Kildare. Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no.1. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1986.

Appleyard 1985: D.S. Appleyard. Green Fields Gone Forever: The Story of the Coolock and Artane Area. Dublin, 1985.

Archdall 1786: Mervyn Archdall. Monasticon Hibernicum or a history of the Abbies Priories and Other Religious Houses in Ireland. Dublin: Luke White Press, 1786

Arthurs 1954: J.B. Arthurs. ‘Sliabh Fuaid’, Bulletin of the Ulster Placename Society, 2 (1954), 34–6.

Arthurs 1957: J.B. Arthurs. ‘The Place-names of County Armagh’, Bulletin of the Ulster Placename Society, 5 (1957), 40–5.

Atkins 1895: Ringrose Atkins. ‘Old Waterford: its history and antiquities’, WAJ,1 (1895), 20–38; 49–66.

Atkinson 1925: E.D. Atkinson. Dromore: an Ulster Diocese. Dundalk, 1925.

Baker 2004: Christine Baker. ‘A lost ecclesiastical site in Fingal: Oldtown, Swords, Co Dublin’. Arch Ire., 18 no. 3 (Autumn 2004), 14–17.

Ball 1902–20: Francis Elrington Ball. History of the Co Dublin. 6 vols. Dublin: Alexander Thom, 1902–20.

Barrington 1999: T.J. Barrington. Discovering Kerry: Its History, Heritage and Topography. Cork: Collins Press, 1999.

Barrow 1979: George Lennox Barrow. The round towers of Ireland: a study and gazetteer. Dublin: Academy Press, 1979.

Barry 1886: James G. Barry. ‘Aran of the saints’, JRSAI,17 (1886), 488–94.

Barry 1978: Terence B. Barry. ‘Three bullaun stones at Kelshamore, Co Wicklow’, JRSAI, 108 (1978), 116.

Begley 1906: J. Begley. The diocese of Limerick. Dublin, 1906.

Beirne 2000: F. Beirne (ed.). The Diocese of Elphin: People, Places and Pilgrimage. Dublin, 2000.

Bhreathnach 1994: Edel Bhreathnach, ‘Killeshin: an Irish monastery surveyed’, CMCS, 27 (Summer 1994), 33–47.

Bhreathnach 1996: Edel Bhreathnach. ‘The documentary evidence for pre-Norman Skreen, Co Meath’. Ríocht na Midhe, 9 no. 2 (1996), 37–45.

Bhreathnach 1999: Edel Bhreathnach, ‘Columban churches in Brega and Leinster: relations with the Norse and the Anglo-Normans’, JRSAI, 129 (1999), 5–18.

Bhreathnach 2004: Edel Bhreathnach. ‘Medieval sub-kingdoms of Brega’, 38–51 in

Ailbhe MacShamhráin (ed), The Island of St Patrick: Church and ruling dynasties in Fingal and Meath 400–1148.

Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004.

Bhreathnach 2005: Edel Bhreathnach. ‘The medieval kingdom of Brega’, 410–22, in Edel Bhreathnach (ed), The kingship and landscape of Tara.

Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005.

Bigger 1895: F. J. Bigger, 'Prehistoric settlements at Portnafeadog in the parish of Moyrus, Connamara', PRIA,3 (1895), 727–32.

Bigger 1896: F.J. Bigger, 'Cruach Mac Dara, off the coast of Connamara: with a notice of its church, crosses, and antiquities', JRSAI, 26 (1896), 101–12.

Bigger 1901: F.J. Bigger. ‘The Franciscan friary of Killconnell in the county of Galway: its history and its ruins’, JGAHS, 1 (1900–1), 144–67.

Bigger 1902: F.J. Bigger. Miscellanea: ‘Parish of Maghera, in the county of Down’, UJA, 8(1902), 94–5, 198.

Bigger 1903–4: F.J. Bigger, 'Killconnell Abbey', JGHAS, 3 (1903–4), 11–15.

Bigger 1906: F.J. Bigger. ‘The ancient cross of Drumgolan in the County Down’, UJA, 14 (1906), 56–8.

Bigger 1916: F.J. Bigger. ‘Some notes on the churches of Saint Tassach of Raholp and Saint Nicholas of Ardtole, and their surroundings, in the barony of Lecale in Down’, JRSAI, 46 (1916), 121–35.

Bigger & Fennell 1897–8: F.J. Bigger & W.J. Fennell. ‘Culfeightrin Church, Diocese of Connor’, UJA, 4 (1897–8), 178–80.

Bitel 1984: Lisa Bitel. ‘Womens’ donations to the churches in early Ireland’. JRSAI 114 (1984), 5–23.

Bitel 1990: Lisa Bitel. Isle of the Saints: monastic settlement and Christian community in Early Ireland. Ithaca & London: Cornell U.P., 1990.

Bolster 1972: Evelyn Bolster. A History of the Diocese of Cork from Earliest Times to the Reformation. Shannon: Irish Academic Press, 1972.

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